Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Book 12 notes

下間賴廉/ 下间赖廉: Shimozura Rairen
赖龙: Rairyu
口羽: Kuchiba
隆景: Takakage
鳴美/鸣美: Narumi
友: Tomo (?)
漁/渔: Isari (?)
楊貴妃: Youkihi (Yang Gui Fei)
熊谷信直: Kumagai Nobunao
鹿之介: Shikanosuke
尼子: Amako

荻: Hagi - a city in Yamaguchi prefecture, it is considered to be one of the most beautiful castle towns in Japan; a lot of traditional old streets and buildings survive untouched
須佐/须佐 Susa - a scenic area in Hagi
新庄 Shinjo
津具半島 Tsugu hantou - Tsugu Peninsula

月山: Mount. Gassan
笠山: Mount. Kasayama - small active volcano (smallest in Asia)
中岳: Mount. Naka-dake - one of the five prominent mounts known as the Aso-gogaku (阿蘇五岳) located around the center of the caldera created by Mount Aso (阿蘇山), the largest volcano in Japan

广岛: Hiroshima
嚴島/严岛: Itsukushima - an island in the Inland Sea of Japan

宮島/宫岛: Miya-jima - (Hiroshima) was a town located on the island of Itsukushima, amagalated with the city of Hatsukaichi on November 3, 2005.

因島: Innoshima - a city located in Hiroshima

秋芳洞: Akiyoshi-do - a huge cave in the southern end of Akiyoshidai (秋吉台)

東光寺: Toukou-ji - Zen temple in Kanagawa
大照院: Daisho-in - temple dedicated to the Mori clan

本願寺/本愿寺: Hongan-ji - temple of Amida Buddha's original vow

大和: Yamato - name of the ship belonging to the Mouri
護身波/护身波: Goshinha - wave of self-protection
結界/结界: kekkai
大正: Taishou
鐘乳洞/ 钟乳洞: shounyuudou - limestone cave

阿弥陀如来: Amida nyorai
淨土: joudo - Pure Land Buddhist sect
眷屬/眷属: kenzoku - Gods or messengers subordinate to an important deity; originally a Buddhist term
同格: doukaku - the same rank / equality / apposition

宝珠: takara shu - gem/jewel
干珠 & 滿珠/满珠: kanju & manju - the magical jewels, that when thrown into the sea, Manju causes a rising tide and Kanju an ebbing tide; these spheres were the treasures of the Undersea Palace
秘宝: hihou - treasure/treasured article

潮滿瓊/潮满琼: shiomitsutama - mythical gem that can bring high tides
潮干瓊/潮干琼: shio-hurutama - mythical gem that can bring ebbing tides

真言: shingon - mantra / quintessential word / Mantrayana / Shingon, Sino-Japanese esoteric Buddhism, originating in the eight century

水軍: suigun (marine guards/naval forces)

天狗: tengu - long-nosed goblin / braggart

陀羅尼: darani - dharani / spell / litany / Sanskrit multi-syllabic chant

念波: nen nami

誓約/誓约: seiyaku - written vow, pledge, covenant

靈獸: reijuu - sacred beast

僧服: soufuku - priestly garb
僧兵: souhei - warrior priest/monk


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