Books 6-8 kanji references
高阪昌信: Kosaka Masanobu (弹正 Danjo stands for a formal title, Danjōchū 弾正忠)
明智光秀: Akechi Mitsuhide
织田信長: Oda Nobunaga
松永久秀: Matsunaga Hisahide
荒木村茂: Araki Murashige
北条氏泰: Hojo Ujiyasu
北条氏政: Hojo Ujimasa
武田由比子: Takeda Yuiko
森野沙织: Morino Saori
伊都: Itsu
浅岡麻衣子: Asaoka Maiko
遠山: Touyama
上杉谦信: Uesugi Kenshin
比叡山: (Hieizan) Mt. Hiei [Kyoto]
畿内: Kinai - territories in the vicinity of the capital and under direct imperial rule; (in Japanese history) the five kuni in the immediate vicinity of Kyoto
関東/关东: Kanto - a geographical area of Honshū, the largest island in Japan
富山: Toyama - prefecture in the Hokuriku area
日光东照宫: Nikko Toshogu - Shinto shrine dedicated to Tokugawa Ieyasu, the founder of the Tokugawa line of shoguns in Japan
中禅寺: Chuzenjiko - name of a lake in Nikko National Park
南口: minamiguchi - south entrance
芦湖: Lake Ashi - the lake with Mount Fuji in the background is the symbol of Hakone
箱根神社: Hakone shrine (jinja)
小田原: Odawara
越後: Echigo
恙镜: Tsutsuga mirror
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