Book 15 Chapter 05 群狼、渦に集まる
Draft: Version 1 - final
PS: do not distribute this without my permission
He could perceive that their sense of caution was increasing with each passing day.
It seemed like events of yesterday had triggered an effect. Naturally, the executive committee would now consider Takaya an individual who had to be kept under close scrutiny.
Once he passed the school gates, he came under the needle-like stares of the members of the inspection team. Their eyes were full of suspicion and vigilance.
I wonder what actions will be taken?
It seemed like the bait had been taken. As he had anticipated, they tailed Takaya more closely than ever. This was proof that Mikuriya was uncertain.
Who are the real aggressors...?
From what Takaya's understood, there were three kanshousha in this school.
The president of the student council, Mikuriya Juri. The vice president, Ozaki.
And the leader of the 'members of the resistance', Nezu Kouichi.
The students who associated with Nezu were all possessed by specific spirits. Those hyoui rei had a distinctly greater strength than the mixed spirits roaming about the school.
Subordinates of the onshou...
If that was the case, they probably originated from this territory. To extrapolate one step further on this theory, they ought to be the subordinates of the onshou who governed Kumamoto. With Kumamoto brought under martial law, the hunting down of hyoui rei was in full swing, making it impossible for spirits from the other regions to sojourn in this place.
Nezu is their leader...
He had powerful abilities. Even if he was not their master, he would most certainly be an extremely high-ranking officer. Although he could not determine his identity, there was a good chance that he was Ryuuzouji. If not, he was probably an onshou of the Oda who was supporting this fight from the shadows...
The Oda huh...
Takaya propped his elbows onto the desk. He sighed, then cast a sidelong glance at Nezu who was seated beside the window in the front-most row. He was paying full attention to the lesson as though nothing was amiss. But it seemed like he could sense that Takaya looking fixedly at his back.
If he's an onshou, which faction is he from?
In addition to that, there was Mikuriya and Ozaki. Although they were kanshousha, he could not conclude with absolute certainty that they were completely involved in the Yami Sengoku. There existed people with the ability to perform kanshou who had nothing to do with the Warring States period.
I'm still lacking in information...
Takaya could not figure out the true motives of those two. Neither could he understand the purpose of changing the student union to such a state, however was this connected to the spiritual magnetic energy generated in this school?
However, it seemed reasonable to assume that they were indeed related.
The gathering of the mixed spirits resulted from the spiritual magnetism of Kojou High School. Mikuriya had exploited these mixed spirits for the establishment of the unique system of her student union.
No, it was not the fault of the spirits, but rather the object which attracted them. Kojou High School had a magnet that attracted spirits, a similar but smaller version of the magnet existed in every student as well. Although he could not affirm the actual makeup of the device, the magnet probably exerted some kind of effect on the unconscious minds of the students. An effect that came close to the act of brainwashing.
For what purpose?
Could Mikuriya and her unit be the source of this evil?
Is it just to change the student union?
There ought to be more to this. If she only wanted to have a taste of domination, she did not have to specifically target Kojou High School. On the other hand, if Kojou High School was a necessity, what could be the reason?
This place used to be Sasa Narimasa's castle.
How was this connected to the other matter at hand?
...I don't get it.
The answers to these questions...
Takaya squinted at Nezu.
Nezu Kouichi, are you aware of everything?
Right at that moment,
A white object came flying from the front of the classroom, striking right at Takaya's forehead.
Takaya pressed against his forehead and lifted his head, he saw Chiaki Shuuhei standing on the lecture platform, picking up another piece of chalk, with a smug, toothy grin on his face. Chiaki was the one responsible for throwing the piece of chalk that had struck Takaya's forehead.
"What the hell do you think you're doing! You bastard!"
"You're daydreaming again, Ougi. Getting distracted in class isn't very healthy."
As though he was flaunting his victory on the platform, Chiaki deliberately moved his chair to the back. He motioned for Takaya to come to the front with a piece of chalk between his fingers, and said,
"You've just enrolled in this school hence you're still not very familiar with what has been covered in class. If that's the case you should be putting more effort into your work than anyone else, shouldn't you?"
"...So you had such evil intentions all along..."
Takaya groaned in resentment. He finally understood the reason for Chiaki's diligent practice with the dartboard. He had been planning to do this to Takaya. While Takaya was infuriated to the point where his face had turned scarlet, Chiaki, however, had a look of delight.
"If you don't wish for any more pieces of chalk to come flying at you, come up to the front. Question 5 on page 175. Come and explain your answer."
"Damn... it...!"
This was clearly an attempt to bully and humiliate Takaya by taking advantage of his position as a teacher. As a student, Takaya had no choice but to obey him. Takaya's shoulders trembled at the sight of the mathematical problem, Chiaki had picked the most difficult one for him. There was no way Takaya could solve it.
"What's the matter? Ougi."
Chiaki was smiling maliciously.
"Come on. Hurry up, come and explain your answer."
The entire class looked at Takaya in pity and bewilderment. Takaya's clenched fists were trembling intensely.
I-I'll remember this...! ...You prick!
"Dazzling orochi?" Takaya's eyes widen in surprise as Chiaki informed him of what he had heard from Nakajima-sensei. "What's that?"
Chiaki had called Takaya to the teachers lounge in the mathematics department. Chiaki had returned home late the previous night, thus he had yet to discuss this with Takaya.
Chiaki had driven the rest of the teachers out of the lounge with all sorts of excuses. He explained,
"I still can't figure out their objective. It does seem to have an important connection to Nakajima-sensei's death though. However the real cause for concern here is that, apart from Nakajima-sensei, two other teachers died in this school within the last half year."
"This matter..." Takaya said, taking a seat beside him. "It bothers me as well. Have you found out anything about it?"
"I'm working on it. I've already gathered a considerable amount of information from the teachers. So you see, I wasn't just asking them out for a drink for no good reason."
"Is that why you came home drunk last night?"
"I stayed up till so late just for that purpose. The least you could do is console me a little."
Chiaki opened his notebook, and read out the results of his investigation.
"The teachers who died were Akiyama-sensei, who taught English, and the Geography teacher, Ikeda-sensei. In addition to that, we have Nakajima-sensei. All three were relatively old, their causes of death were heart failure, brain hemorrhage and the like. In short, all three of them experienced sudden deaths. There's another tricky aspect to this. I heard of this from a colleague of mine from the English department. The very first to die was Akiyama-sensei and the night before his death, he started acting strange. According to his family's testimony, it seems like he was always talking about how the 'snake' was really frightening. The instant he saw a wire or rope, he would cry out 'Snake, snake! Kill it at once!'"
"...Yet another 'snake'?" Takaya's face tensed. "Could it be possible that he saw the 'Hikaru Orochi'?"
"I'll be doing further investigation into the backgrounds of these three teachers for more details. It seems like they all have something in common."
"They've something in common?"
"One of them was very critical of the system of Mikuriya's student union. Another one," Chiaki pushed up his glasses with his finger. "Opposed the plans to renovate the gymnasium."
"The gymnasium..."
"Yeah. That gymnasium seems to be the spot where the magnetic force is generated."
Takaya turned towards Chiaki. "Don't tell me he was murdered for opposing the renovation?"
"There's this strange rumor going around. The plan to renovate the gymnasium was put forward rather abruptly about half a year ago, right when Mikuriya's executive committee was newly established. Coincidentally, a disturbance also occurred in the prefecture at that time. Kojou High School's gymnasium project got the go-ahead in an astonishingly short period of time. Seems like the three teachers who died took this matter to the prefectural government to protest against it, citing that there was no need to reconstruct the gymnasium. They were also severely critical of Mikuriya's organization, come to think of it, they were like the school's only conscience."
"...And these three suffered sudden deaths."
"Maybe they were seen as obstacles and thus eliminated."
"By Mikuriya Juri?"
Chiaki looked at Takaya's face in silence. Takaya leaned back against the chair with his arms wrapped around his waist.
"All of the students seem to have a small magnet that attracts spirits. There's no mistake that this has exerted an effect on their unconscious minds. That's why they're so obedient to Mikuriya. You can almost call it a kind of brainwash. Although I don't know if the teachers who died had this magnet implanted into them, at present, the majority of the school's staff have been influenced by Mikuriya. In general, the younger the person the more effective the hypnotism. It could be that Mikuriya's brainwashing was ineffective on the three teachers who died."
"Apparently, Mikuriya is collaborating with contractors and prefectural government officials."
Takaya was startled, he lifted his head.
"Yesterday, I saw Mikuriya take them to the construction site. There were two kanshousha among them."
"Yeah. I'm pretty sure I wasn't mistaken. Additionally, Mikuriya was rather edgy in her strict prohibition of any student or staff member from approaching the gymnasium. That little princess' face, which looks like she's wearing a Noh mask, took a completely different expression and started scolding in indignation."
"There's probably something in that gymnasium."
"At the source of the magnetic field?"
"Something generating the magnetic power."
Takaya pursed his lips together, looking at the gymnasium. "Perhaps the 'Hikaru Orochi' is some sort of jusatsu."
"I hear those contractors and prefectural government officials will be coming to school today. Perhaps we should investigate them along with the gymnasium."
"Yeah. I'll look into it in secret. What's more, an onshou has gotten involved in this school."
"What?" Chiaki widened his eyes.
"My classmate Nezu Kouichi. I don't know his actual name, but not only does he know of our objectives, he wants us to get out of Kumamoto. He's hostile against Mikuriya. He may be a general under Ryuuzouji or from the Oda."
"Oh... that guy. His attitude in class is way too serious. No wonder I found him snobbish. This matter getting less and less amusing by the minute."
"It'd be better for you to be a little careful. He's capable of contact telepathy."
"Contact telepathy...?" Chiaki frowned at these words he was not really used to hearing. "That would be... the ability to seize another's thoughts via physical contact..."
"What is someone with such an advanced skill doing here?"
"The point is, he has this ability. He nearly reached the thoughts in the deeper levels of my consciousness. It's an extraordinary ability. A great amount of information can be read in the mere blink of an eye. Be sure not to lower your guard."
"Well I'm not like you to make such a careless mistake."
"There's seriously no hope for your poisonous tongue." Takaya stood up. "It's time for me to return to class. There'll be trouble if the student executives start getting suspicious."
"I've a feeling though that Mikuriya has more or less figured out my identity as a kanshousha."
"Perhaps. But I don't want us to look too conspicuous. To say the least, we're still student and teacher."
Takaya replied. He happened to look out the window; owing to something he had seen, he suddenly widened his eyes in shock.
"? ...What's the matter?"
"Over there. Those men getting out of the vehicle."
Chiaki looked down from the window. "Ah... it's them. The contractors."
"Look. Getting down from that white coach, the guy in the gray suit, and that middle-aged one getting down from the second vehicle. I'm absolutely certain that they're the kanshousha I encountered yesterday. Seems to be working with Mikuriya."
Takaya widened his eyes, holding his breath as he gazed at the men. He could not believe his own eyes. Takaya had very sharp eyesight hence it was not possible for him to make a mistake at this distance.
"? ...What is it?"
Seeing Takaya stiffen in this way, Chiaki called out to him in a surprised voice. Takaya was extremely unnerved. His lips were frozen. Takaya stared at him, at the same time thinking, "Impossible".
"Hey? Kagetora?"
"That man..."
"What about him?"
"That man, the one wearing the black cashmere overcoat..." Takaya muttered his name with an incredulous expression on his face. "It's... Kaizaki..."
"It's Kaizaki Makoto... Kaizaki Makoto."
Chiaki stared at him in shock. "Kaizaki? How can it be! That Satomi guy! From Kyoutake real estate, that descendant of Satomi Yoshitaka!"
"... Why...!" Takaya's face turned pale, he began to tremble. "Why is he here...!"
Chiaki pushed Takaya away from the window and stuck his head out. Indeed, the reason Chiaki felt that he had seen someone familiar was because he had recognized his face from the photographs in the data files of the employees of Kyoutake real estate that Fuuma Kotarou had acquired. Chiaki had also heard about the incident with Kaizaki from Ayako. Although the 'Method of Connecting to Hell' at Enoshima only lasted ten days, by the time Ayako and the others took control of the island, there was no sign of Kaizaki. Only his whereabouts remained unaccounted for.
What is the descendant of the Satomi doing here...!
"! ...Kagetora!"
Takaya had dashed out of the room without a word. His body had sprung into action before he could even begin to make some sense of the situation.
Takaya hurried down the stairs and ran to the entrance. It seemed like Kaizaki and the others had entered the school building via the entrance assigned for guests. Takaya encountered the group of suited men in the corridor.
Seeing a student standing before them panting, the others looked at him in surprise. Takaya bit his lower lip forcefully, staring at one who stood among them. ...He was not mistaken.
Although he did not say anything, Takaya called out in his heart. The black eyes of the man attired in the black cashmere overcoat took notice of Takaya standing before him. Kaizaki remained still. Takaya's fists were clenched, he was nearly trembling. He looked askance at Kaizaki, wanting to say something, however he bit his lip again, almost biting it off. Seeing Takaya in that way, Kaizaki lifted his eyes and squinted.
The suited men brushed past Takaya. Kaizaki immediately lowered his eyes a little, returning to an expressionless face. He deliberately tore his eyes away from Takaya, and walked straight ahead.
"Kai...! ...!"
At the moment the two of them brushed past each other, Kaizaki's hand touched against Takaya's in a very natural way; Takaya held his breath. However he did not merely touch him, he passed something to Takaya.
As his movement was so natural, the others did not notice it. However a business card had been pressed into Takaya's hand. It was Kaizaki's business card. In surprise, Takaya turned it to the reverse side, a line of characters had been written there with a ballpoint pen.
Kumamoto Castle, Akazuno Gate. 2.00PM.
Takaya lifted his head. Kaizaki had already walked to the stairs on the other end of the corridor. Takaya was startled once again, this time from the handwritten message on the card. The handwriting style was extremely similar to the one on the card that had informed Kotarou and the others of where Takaya had been imprisoned during the Enoshima incident. 'That' handwriting... which was similar to Naoe's.
Chiaki finally caught up with Takaya. Watching Kaizaki depart, he ran to Takaya, who remained in his original position dumbfounded.
Takaya looked up at the sky with a piercing gaze.
He held Kaizaki's card firmly in his hands.
"What? You walked Ougi home?" Hearing of what happened yesterday from Akemi, Tetsuya looked disappointed. "Eh, that's good news indeed. Is this celebrity groupie finally interested in a real person?"
"It's not that. It was because of the rain, I only walked him half the way back anyway. Ah-, you brought cigarettes to school again-" Akemi yelled, snatching the box of cigarettes from Tetsuya's hand just as the latter was about to take out a cigarette. "Bringing this sort of thing to school, what are you going to do if the members of the inspection team find out about it!"
"You're seriously like to nag a lot, always meddling into other people's affairs. A woman like you would be better off chasing stars for the rest of her life."
Tetsuya leaned against the wall of the corridor, laughing at her in ridicule. Akemi grew angry.
"You've given Ougi-kun a lot of trouble as well! Don't you dare lay a finger on him again like yesterday! I won't spare you if this happens again! I'm no longer the same as I was in primary school. I won't start crying profusely when you bully me!"
"Hmph. You..." Tetsuya brought his face close in an unpleasant manner. "Have a serious crush on Ougi."
"!" Her face immediately turned red like fire. "T-This is none of your business!"
"So I was right then?"
Akemi was the type who blushed easily, making it difficult for her to hide such matters from other people. Her anger only confirmed Tetsuya's guess.
"All because he's good-looking. That's why I say, women..."
"...At the very least Ougi-kun is several million times better than you! Not only is his character much gentler than what his external appearance suggests, he's strong and mature! Even if both of you were to fight, he definitely won't lose to someone like you!"
"What did you say!"
Right at that moment when Tetsuya shouted out gruffly, a group of inspection team members walked past them and glared in their direction. Akemi hastily covered Tetsuya's mouth.
"Noth... It's nothing."
Akemi smiled fawningly as she watched the group of students leave. When she finally freed Tetsuya's mouth, his eyes had completely widened in anger.
"Who's going to lose to that person! You've gotta be kidding me!"
Tetsuya was burning with feelings of hostility against Takaya. However Takaya had seemed indifferent that he had been considered as an enemy, this infuriated Tetsuya even more. Only Tetsuya felt provoked; Akemi sighed.
"You haven't improved one bit since primary school. No wonder Hokage had such a difficult time with you."
Tetsuya responded with a nervous expression.
"Speaking of which, Ougi-kun said something yesterday. About Hokage's incident."
"Ougi-kun knows about Hokage's incident. I wonder who told him about it."
"He knows..." Tetsuya's face grew solemn all of a sudden. "What do you mean? Are you saying that he knows about it?"
"Well it's not like he knows all the details, he only knows about Hokage's disappearance."
"Why is he even asking about this in the first place!"
"H-How should I know!"
Why does Ougi know of Hokage's incident...!
Tetsuya's sense of caution grew extremely intense. He never told anyone about his younger sister. His sister had attended a different high school and thus, other than his peers, no one else should know that Tetsuya had a twin sister. However, it seemed like rumors could still spread.
That damn brat...
Tetsuya felt as though someone had intruded upon his family affairs, his hostility against Takaya deepened.
I definitely won't let him off so easy!
"Tetsu..." Akemi abruptly called out in a worried manner. "Is Hokage's disappearance really true like what everyone says? Is she okay? Do you really have no idea what happened to her?"
"..." Tetsuya stared ahead with a fierce expression. "I don't know! That has to do with the parent house, it has nothing to do with me!"
"The parent house?"
"Look, Inaba, Hokage has disappeared, however I'm fine with it. That eyesore finally disappeared, I couldn't be more happy. Whatever happened to Hokage, I don't care. And you shouldn't look into it anymore."
"You're honestly too much! Tetsu!"
"Go chase your transfer student's ass."
Saying this in a contemptuous tone, Tetsuya left the hallway.
Akemi wanted to rebuke him, but she could not say anything, she merely lowered her head in a disheartened manner as she stood there.
Someone had observed their entire conversation from one corner of the corridor. It was Nezu Kouichi and his student subordinates.
"As expected, there's something interesting about him."
"Yeah." Nezu nodded deeply. "The only person in this school who wasn't seeded. Seems like it's not merely because of his physique..."
Nezu thought for a while, then turned towards the other students.
"What of Ougi Takaya?"
"Yes. He is still carrying out investigations all over the place. Mikuriya's vigilance has intensified."
"He has no intention of laying off this matter does he."
The student nodded. Nezu clicked his tongue.
"So he has decided to ignore my warning. Seriously, the more troublesome the individual the more he'd love to complicate matters."
"Should we drive him out?"
"Perhaps this would be necessary. It won't do us any good to have him snooping around the area. Start making the necessary preparations."
The students uttered "Understood!" in a sturdy manner.
Nezu looked ahead with an imposing expression.
(petronia has translated most of the following scene so I'll continue where she left off)
The other unexpectedly tripped and tumbled to the ground before Kaizaki overtook him. This was a direct result of Kaizaki's incantation. Kaizaki caught up to him not long after but did not restrain him; Kaizaki merely looked over him with an overwhelming posture. There was no escape for him; he was completely speechless from fear.
"Ah... Ah...!"
Takaya immediately came running after. The one who had tailed them was attired in Kojou High School's uniform. Takaya recognized his face.
"This guy... He's from the executive committee."
"It seems like he was spying on you, to the extent of skipping classes. How amazing of him." Kaizaki crouched near the executive committee member who laid sprawled on the ground. "Under Mikuriya's orders I suppose."
"Ah... Ah... I... I..."
"I guess it can't be helped. I'm going to have to ask you to forget everything you saw."
Uttering in this way, Kaizaki's large hand grabbed hold of his head and pressed it against the ground. Although the executive committee member struggled fiercely, it was not long before his arms stiffened and fell to the ground with a 'thud'. It was over; Kaizaki moved away from him. The executive committee member had a vacant look on his face as he stood up slowly. Kaizaki had hypnotized him, erasing his memories. The secret scout that Mikuriya had sent staggered down the slope without even taking a second glance at Takaya. Takaya watched him leave, then he asked Kaizaki.
"Did you erase his memories because you don't want Mikuriya to know that we were together?"
"...No one would feel comfortable with someone spying on their love affair right?"
Takaya's face turned red. Kaizaki ignored him and continued.
"Mikuriya seems to have found something in Kojou High School."
"Found something?"
"Yes. Furthermore that thing seems to be buried underneath the gymnasium."
"The gymnasium? So she deliberately started the renovation project for the sake of obtaining it? Are you saying that Mikuriya changed the student executive committee for this very reason?"
"Her reasons are still unclear, though it seems like she has different purpose for the student union." Kaizaki stood up, calmly brushing the hem of his overcoat. "They have named the object they are looking for the 'Head of the Orochi'."
"The 'Head of the Orochi'...?"
"Yes. As for what sort of object it is, I still do not know of any specific details. But it is definitely something they require to gain control of the Yami Sengoku."
"...Why are you telling me this?"
Kaizaki looked back at Takaya, a small smile appeared on his lips.
"I don't know either. Perhaps I truly feel like helping you."
"I will be staying at the hotel in front of the Kumamoto rail station during my sojourn here. Perhaps you won't have the need to look for me, but I am telling you all the same."
Takaya pursed his lips together as he watched Kaizaki attentively. Kaizaki gazed at Takaya for a brief moment, then he calmly said in a deep voice.
"We shall meet again, Kagetora-dono."
He turned slowly and left. Standing in the wind, Takaya watched Kaizaki as the latter descended the slope. When he reached the end of the stone wall, Kaizaki turned around as though he had suddenly recalled something.
"...There's something else I would like to tell you."
"Presently, in Kumamoto, a general from the Oda has been resurrected in place of Sasa Narimasa."
"In place of Sasa Narimasa? Who is it?"
Kaizaki calmly placed his leather-gloved hands into his pockets. "The general of Higo Kumamoto. One of the Seven Spears of Toyotomi Hideyoshi - Katou Kiyomasa."
"! ...Katou Kiyomasa!"
Kaizaki nodded and advised him, "A tenacious adversary. Please be careful."
Leaving with these words, Kaizaki no longer turned back. He proceeded down the gradual slope, towards Sudoguchi Gate and departed. Takaya remained in his original position. Although he was astonished at the name of the major player Kaizaki had mentioned, he soon clenched his jaw and bestirred his courage.
Katou Kiyomasa...
He looked behind him. The grand castle of Kumamoto occupied his front view just like the image of his opponent.
He tightened his fists.
Original fiction © Kuwabara Mizuna.
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