I think I prefer the build-up in the anime. Not sure if Naoe's lines were pulled from different chapters or other books but the scene preceding the attempted kiss had a more dramatic punch in the anime. The novels did set it up nicely but it was more of a gradual flow from Naoe's depressing train of thought to losing his control at the very last minute. It's a nice insight into his feelings that may or may not have been translated as effectively on screen.

And yes, he does manage to forcibly kiss Takaya in the novels rather than back down like in the anime (I guess the studio had trouble with the censorship board?) Again, as I've mentioned previously, anime!Naoe is much less cruel than his novel counterpart. And in this scene, he's pretty much ruthless - leaving Takaya in a state of shock and confusion in the aftermath of things, even with the obligatory self-derision.
From the way the anime pushed the tension in that scene, it would've been better to end it like the novel. Why they changed it is anyone's guess but it's not so much to satisfy the fans with a kiss as to accurately portray Naoe's insane obsession with Kagetora.
Something about this scene which may not have been entirely discernible in the anime, was that the kiss (or attempted kiss) began to awaken Kagetora's feelings within Takaya. Without those feelings, Takaya's 'love' for Naoe would not have been any more than just the way a child would love his father who offers comfort and protection. Takaya was from a broken home after all and as Episode 9 suggests, he liked Naoe for being the father figure that he never had. Of course Kagetora's feelings are slightly different but those memories are still suppressed at this point.
I still like Episode 7. It was one of those surprising things, since I had no idea Mirage was BL when I first viewed it, and was thinking of a platonic relationship all the while...
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